Amin, A., Khalil, M., Hammam, R. (2014). DUALITY OF LAND VALUE AND LAND USE: An Analytical Study of the Guidelines Affecting Riverfront Revitalization in Cairo. Journal of Urban Research, 14(1), 94-117. doi: 10.21608/jur.2014.92464
Ahmed Mohamed Amin; Marwa Hassan Khalil; Rana Mostafa Hammam. "DUALITY OF LAND VALUE AND LAND USE: An Analytical Study of the Guidelines Affecting Riverfront Revitalization in Cairo". Journal of Urban Research, 14, 1, 2014, 94-117. doi: 10.21608/jur.2014.92464
Amin, A., Khalil, M., Hammam, R. (2014). 'DUALITY OF LAND VALUE AND LAND USE: An Analytical Study of the Guidelines Affecting Riverfront Revitalization in Cairo', Journal of Urban Research, 14(1), pp. 94-117. doi: 10.21608/jur.2014.92464
Amin, A., Khalil, M., Hammam, R. DUALITY OF LAND VALUE AND LAND USE: An Analytical Study of the Guidelines Affecting Riverfront Revitalization in Cairo. Journal of Urban Research, 2014; 14(1): 94-117. doi: 10.21608/jur.2014.92464
DUALITY OF LAND VALUE AND LAND USE: An Analytical Study of the Guidelines Affecting Riverfront Revitalization in Cairo
1Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
2Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
Land value can be defined as a product where supply and demand theory is applied. Land valuation depends upon the capability of development to be utilized in the best use and consequently the highest return. Waterfronts’ parcels of land are of high land value being a strategic valuable urban resource for a city. This paper is concerned with studying the different factors influencing land value and land use, focusing on the physical factors, as well as extracting guidelines related to the factors previously analyzed. In addition, this paper investigates the perception of three categories: architects and urban planners, real estate experts, and lay people towards the relative weights of the extracted guidelines in their positive impact on land value and land use using a questionnaire. It is suggested that these guidelines would enhance compatibility between land value and land use, and accordingly it is expected to assist in the Nile riverfront revitalization process. Architects and urban planners, and lay people didn’t rate the impact of any guideline with less than moderate impact. Moreover, results showed that the three categories agreed upon rating the guideline of public transportation and infrastructure to be of a very high impact on land value and land use. As well, they all agreed on rating the guideline of divided zones at river walk and sidewalk to be of a high impact on land value and land use.