The Journal of Urban Research (JUR) is a regional, open-access, peer-reviewed research journal published online by the Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning (FURP) at Cairo University. The Journal publishes cutting-edge research in urban and regional planning, covering both theoretical and practical topics. These include both traditional and emerging fields such as urban planning and design, landscape architecture, environmental planning, architecture, housing, historic preservation, conservation, urban upgrading, infrastructure planning, urban management, regional development, and urban policies and strategies. Additionally, the Journal focuses on sustainable urban development, smart cities, and urban resilience. It explores inclusive planning, addressing social equity, transport systems, and urban energy. Topics like circular economy, new urban governance models, cultural heritage preservation, and innovations in infrastructure and digital connectivity are also central. The first issue of JUR was published in 1999. Currently, issues are published in volumes on a quarterly basis. Starting January 2023, the journal will be issued as yearly volumes with 4 quarterly issues. Over the years, the JUR became one of the most prominent scientific journals in Egypt and the MENA region and has maintained its eminent position as one of the top-rated journals in the region due to its rigorous review process and publication procedures. The journal accepts research articles in both Arabic and English languages. To date, about 60% of the articles are in Arabic, which illustrates the journal’s interest in enhancing Arabic-written research publications. The Editorial Board is composed of distinguished international scholars in various disciplines of urban research. The Editorial Board has always included prominent FURP faculty members, such as the late professors Mahmoud Yousry and Taher Elsadek, pioneers of urban design and urban regional development respectively. Currently, the Editorial Board includes professors Abdelmohsen Barrada (urban planning and housing), Maher Stino and Laila Elmasry (landscape architecture). Because of the nature of the field, the potential of the journal is highly increasing regionally. Open ِAccess
The journal is an open-access journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles under the following conditions (CC BY-NC-ND): Copyright PolicyThe journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright, and to retain publishing rights without any restrictions. PlagiarismThe journal has a strict policy against plagiarism. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using professional plagiarism-checking software. Submitted manuscripts with an unacceptable similarity index resulting from plagiarism are rejected immediately. |