Yousry, S., Ashour, A., Eid, Y., Khaleefa, M. (2016). HOW CAN CITIES LEAD REAL CHANGE? Lessons learned from the Egyptian urban management system. Journal of Urban Research, 22(1), 126-143. doi: 10.21608/jur.2016.89511
Salma Yousry; Ayman Ashour; Youhansen Eid; Marwa Khaleefa. "HOW CAN CITIES LEAD REAL CHANGE? Lessons learned from the Egyptian urban management system". Journal of Urban Research, 22, 1, 2016, 126-143. doi: 10.21608/jur.2016.89511
Yousry, S., Ashour, A., Eid, Y., Khaleefa, M. (2016). 'HOW CAN CITIES LEAD REAL CHANGE? Lessons learned from the Egyptian urban management system', Journal of Urban Research, 22(1), pp. 126-143. doi: 10.21608/jur.2016.89511
Yousry, S., Ashour, A., Eid, Y., Khaleefa, M. HOW CAN CITIES LEAD REAL CHANGE? Lessons learned from the Egyptian urban management system. Journal of Urban Research, 2016; 22(1): 126-143. doi: 10.21608/jur.2016.89511
HOW CAN CITIES LEAD REAL CHANGE? Lessons learned from the Egyptian urban management system
1Urban Planning and design department, Ain Shams University
2Faculty of Engineering, Ain shams University
Within the current debate on the role of urban planning in the neoliberalism ideology, it might be beneficial that Egypt has still not fully adopted the strategic management approach. While ongoing discussion and the research briefed in this paper have proven the need to shift focus from rational and participatory planning methods to a more managerialism one, it is additionally timely to position developing centralized governments -like Egypt’s- in the core of the ideological discussion and identify the current potential to adopt a more combined model.
This paper aims at exploring the ability of the current urban management system in Egypt to influence real development change and improve cities’ prosperity. This is achieved through reviewing the main concepts of urban management and city prosperity leading to the identification of the main analysis framework. This framework is then utilized as a base for analysis of the Egyptian case study from a result based perspective; assessing how input factors of planning and resourcing can lead to development outcomes and potential progress towards achieved results (measured in this case by improved city prosperity).
It is finally concluded that Egypt’s urban sector is still focusing on the planning phase from an activity point of view, with less control over development results and management of real change. Accordingly, recommendations for better focus on city level management that avails monitoring, evaluation and feedback to the operational and executive agencies is provided with supportive legislation and governance set up.